There are times when, in the middle of a fight against a crisis that is defeating you, a unique character appears out of nowhere to help make the situation a little better. From the G-25 market stall of the ‘Mercado Mayorista de Lima’, Rubí Guerra is fighting, maybe unknowingly, for a society exhausted by more than 40 days of lockdown, fear and death. ¿could it be posible that in the middle of the pandemic tragedy in Peru, an avocado can emerge as a symbol of hope? It could if we take a look behind the costume Rubí wears.
Since that on april 27th she caused smiles to ten of thousands of people on national television, she became viral on the social media and since then she has been nicknamed ‘the excited avocado’ by the public as a sign of gratitude for the happiness she brought in the middle of this sanitary crisis.
However, during the time she is not wearing the custom because of the heat, we could realised that she is not only an avocado who fights using laughter against the COVID-19, who risks her life being sorrounded by many people in the biggest market of Lima. We will see that she is also a brave almost 18 year old woman who works hard everyday supporting her sister to keep the bussines afloat and, at the same time, the supplying of the city. A symbol of what thousands of peruvian entrepreneurs families have done during decades, starting from zero, pushing and pushing without rest until they win the fights of their lifes. Our fight.